This week you will probably see a lot of Olympic themed recipes. Sara and I had intended to post one, but developments over the last couple of days changed out mind. Here is why:
If you are a regular reader of this blog you know Sara and I are animal lovers. Especially dogs (We have even created our own dog treat recipe). Sara and I both have shelter dogs. Sara’s dog Belle is a 1 year old Boxer/Labrador mix and she is the sweetest, most loving, somewhat chicken dog you will ever meet. A true gentle giant. My dog Bentley is a year and a half year old Beagle/ Viszla mix, and he loves to talk (oh Beagles), eat, and sniff. They are wonderful animals and they were both rescued from a shelter.
Now Sara and I never intended to comment on anything other then Clean Eating on this blog. But the thing is, if Clean Eating talks about the importance of eating only humanly raised animals, shouldn’t that translate to the humane treatment of domestic animals as well?
The upcoming Olympic games in Sochi have been surrounded by a number of political and social controversies. While we will not comment on politics here, because it is not the correct venue, we will say that we are deeply saddened by the reports coming out of Sochi surrounding the mass slaughter of the city’s street dog population. Right now in Sochi dogs are being shot with poisoned darts and fed poisoned meat. They are being killed by the thousands, because the Russian government feels they might cause shame and embarrassment to the country. The friendly dogs first are killed first…they are the easiest to catch.
So with heavy hearts Sara and I will not be posting our Sochi inspired menu. Instead, we will post pictures of our two shelter dogs. They have brought so much love and joy into our lives. To find out more about how you can help stray and abandoned animals please visit these websites:
What a great article. I agree completely with you both that it’s horrible what is happening in Russia. It’s hard to believe people can be so cruel!
Thanks Aunt Patty! 🙂 I know you’ve been there a few times – did you ever visit Sochi?