Last week we cleaned up some of the most popular recipes on Pinterest. Here is a round up of all the cleaned up recipes. The simple changes we made to these recipes make a big difference in their nutritional value as well as calories, fat, sodium, and sugar volume. We were so happy with the…
Cleaning Up Pinterest
Rosemary Chicken Lasagna
As we are coming close to wrapping up our Cleaning Up Pinterest Week, I decided to find a recipe that would challenge myself. Wow did I find one. The recipe I decided to clean up was Rosemary Chicken Lasagna by Feasting at Home. This recipe was #8 on The Huffington Post’s Recipes that Won Pinterest in 2013. This…
Sweet Potato Hash Browns
Yum As we move into day 4 of our cleaning up Pineterest week I wanted to give an example of how just swapping 1 or 2 ingredients for a healthier one can make a big difference in terms of nutrition. In fact, one of the biggest reasons Sara and I are doing these recipe swaps…
Double Decker Taco Bites
Yum Day 3 of cleaning up Pinterest is number 18 on the list from the Buzz Feed article 20 Recipes that Won Pinterest in 2013. This double decker taco recipes looks delicious. They use wonton wrappers, canned refried beans and a packet of taco seasoning. I made my own refried black beans, and also used…
Buffalo Chicken Meatballs
So for day 2 of our cleaning up Pinterest week, I cleaned up this Buffalo Chicken Meatball recipe. This recipe was # 5 on the buzz feed article 20 Recipes the Won Pinterest in 2013. Back in the fall we posted a cleaned up chicken wings recipes, which happens to be our most popular recipe…
Loaded No Potato Soup
This week we are cleaning up Pinterest! We all see certain recipes repinned over and over again. Full disclosure here, there are times when Jessica and I see the things our friends are pinning and cringe. Ugh, while I’m sure they taste great, there are so many completely unhealthy recipes floating around Pinterest. We are…