Yum Somehow I forgot about the simple pleasure of a strawberry smoothie. I’m so glad I’ve rediscovered it and just in time for summer too. When I was pregnant with my daughter I used to make myself a smoothie every morning. Oh how I’ve missed that morning treat. This smoothie is super simple. I…
Grilled Pineapple Pork Kabobs
I love grilled pineapple. One of my favorite things about summer is all the pineapple! Mix it with pork tenderloin, and its so good.I always see the premade kabobs at the store and wonder how good they are and I make my own from time to time. But, I always opt for boring chicken, sometimes…
Local, Local, Local….My first CSA bounty
The day has finally arrived. My very first CSA delivery! I was so excited to finally get my “loot!” Back in January, I joined my local CSA aka Community Supported Agriculture. There are several CSAs in my area, but I chose this one because it seemed to have the most variety. They also offered a…
Creamy Avocado Chicken Enchiladas
We often get excited about food here at My Clean Kitchen, but this recipe has us in a state of excitement not often encountered by these 2 food nerds. These enchiladas were a complete experiment. The avocado cream sauce was an idea we’ve been noodling over for a while and decided to put into action…
Cinco de Mayo Recipe Roundup
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with our Mexican inspired clean eating recipes. Better yet, celebrate all week. We have a recipe for everyday. Start your week with our Homemade Taco Seasoning, then you’ll have it for the rest of the week. Also, don’t forget to soak your beans for the freshest, cleanest flavor. Here are our…
Black Beans and Rice
This Cinco de Mayo inspired recipe is a simple combination of two of our favorite recipes; the black bean recipe from our taco bites, then the perfect brown rice. Black beans and rice is one of my favorite things in the whole world. I grew up in Florida and was lucky enough to have had superior…
Garlic Mushroom Green Beans
Have you ever stared into the refrigerator, knowing you need to serve your family something healthy but really, you just want to order a pizza? Well, I made up this recipe for just that occasion. I didn’t know it at the time, but once it was done and on my plate, I realized it…
Carrot Cake
Easter is such a difficult holiday for the healthy eater. Really, there are no traditional Easter recipes that are truly clean! Jessica and I are always looking for a challenge, and this one definitely was a challenge. If you have read our blog before, you know we talk a lot about ingredient swapping.
Does My Kitchen Affect my Waistline?
We are once again thrilled to have Kathryn McMillan from Clutter Conversions, LLC write a guest post for us! This post is particularly helpful for those of us (all of us!) struggling to manage the everyday challenges of life, work, kids, keeping up with the house, etc. I bet you are wondering what in the…
Cleaning Up Pinterest – Recipe Round Up
Last week we cleaned up some of the most popular recipes on Pinterest. Here is a round up of all the cleaned up recipes. The simple changes we made to these recipes make a big difference in their nutritional value as well as calories, fat, sodium, and sugar volume. We were so happy with the…